samedi 29 novembre 2014


Daniel had been aching to get out on the lake right outside of our farmhouse. Daniel called it a lake. I called it a swamp. But to really put the matter to rest we had to get out there to see. It was a swamp. But a perfect swamp taking the farm boat out. 

Everyone was happy and we were moving on quickly, until a little someone hijacked the boat.
Then we were kind of stuck. But this little girl sure was satisfied with being in charge of the boat!

The boys nearly started a road flood, but luckily Daniel saved the day.

After our relaxing rowboat ride we headed over for a hike up Mt. Vindbelgur for the astounding views over Myvatn. This was our first real encounter with Midges, the little fruit fly-like bugs that are unfortunately attracted to carbox dioxide and swarm when they sense it.

After our hike we moved down to visit the pseudocraters at Skutustadir.

Jonas suffered a small face plant

We spent an afternoon as locals, starting with the thermal swimming pool in Lauger. By now we were getting used to the drill: Naked communal shower before you go in (sex separated), naked communal shower when you get out.

The cold bath. Daniel led the way, but we all ended up in there by the end, with the exception of Evaëlle

After our swim we followed the locals the village dinar.
Bottomless meat soup. We got our money's worth on that!

When we got back to the farm that night, I took Eva back to our room and Daniel took the boys out for a late night boat ride.

Jonas brought me a lovely souvenir
The sunset at 11:00 at night

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