dimanche 31 mai 2015

Easter steam train

On Easter morning the kids searched for their Easter baskets

Then Iulia brought us another delicious breakfast

Afterward we headed out to catch the steam train. They say that this is the last logging steam trains functioning in Europe. We did the tourist version, not the logging version
The boys staked out their place near the wood buning heater

This train had been shipped over from Switzerland at some point

I loved the elderly ladies wearing the traditional clothing

Grabbing some doughnuts

We had lunch at our final stop in the Carpathian mountains

Jonas spent the ride down trying to dry off by the oven after having been pushed into the stream...

Visiting an ethnographic museum

The pots on the tree meant that there was a marriagable girl in the household
The outside of our homestay
Jaxon really wanted to go on a hike, so Daniel took him out this evening (Jonas and Evaëlle needed a little down time...

They made it to the top, even without a trail!

A polenta dinner

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