vendredi 6 novembre 2009

A French Halloween

I wasn't really planning on doing much for Halloween this year, as it seems a little presumptuous for a bunch of Americans (us plus my brother Matt's family) to go out trick or treating to me, but some of our good friends, the Monclin's, invited us to go with them. It was certainly a different experience than a good old-fashioned American Halloween, but we had a blast anyway

You certainly have to work hard for your candy around here. Few people were prepared for the holiday, but they seemed to appreciate the kids' costumes, anyway. We did have some success at a few houses.

Since the kids didn't get much candy, it was even more of a shame that Jaxon drug his paper bag on the ground, finally rubbing a hole in it and losing most of his hard won goods...

2 commentaires:

  1. Those cosumes were so cute. Who did Jaxon's face? You know, Halloween in a retired community in UT isn't very exciting either. Most of the homes didn't have their lights on. Poor Emmalyn, mommy has eaten most of the loot.

  2. Jaxon and Jonas look so cute in their costumes. Is trick-or-treating something that they normally do in France? Do they have other traditions? Is Jonas turning blond?

